PhD in Astrophysics, 2020, University of Bordeaux, France
Thesis: COSMIC-DANCE: A comprehensive census of nearby star-forming regions
Advisors: Prof. Hervé Bouy & Dr. Javier Olivares
M. Sc. in Astrophysics, 2017, University of Barcelona, Spain
Thesis: Dynamical Ages of the Young Local Associations with Gaia
Advisors: Dr. Teresa Antoja & Dr. Mercè Romero-Gómez
B. Sc. in Physics, 2016, University of Barcelona, Spain
Thesis: The Young Local Associations as seen by Gaia
Advisors: Dr. Mercè Romero-Gómez & Prof. Francesca Figueras
2025—Present Beatriu de Pinós fellow at the University of Barcelona
2021—2024 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna
2021—2021 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bordeaux
2017—2020 Postgraduate researcher at the University of Bordeaux
2015—2017 Research assistant at the University of Barcelona
2024 Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral fellowship
2022 MERAC Prizes awarded by the European Astronomical Society
for the Best PhD Thesis in Observational Astrophysics
2021 Science and Technology Thesis Prize from the University of Bordeaux
2016 Half-tuition grant from Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB)
to pursue the M. Sc. in Astrophysics at the University of Barcelona
2015 Collaboration grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
with the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona
2012 First award of the “Ciencia en acción” program in the category
“Adopta una Estrella (Investiga en Astronomia)”
2012 First award of scientific/sanitary projects from the “Argró” Program of the
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
3 talks: Star cluster formation and evolution; Clusters and associations in the Milky Way; The Initial Mass Function as inferred from observations. 2nd IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation. 27 Nov-1 Dec. 2023, Granada (Spain).
Ages of very young stars. European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting. 10-14 July 2023, Krakow (Poland).
The origin of free-floating planets. European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting. 10-14 July 2023, Krakow (Poland).
MERAC Prize in Observational Astrophysics-Discovery of a large sample of free-floating planets. European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting. 27 June-1 July 2022, Valencia (Spain).
A rich population of free-floating planets in Upper Scorpius. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope 13th Users’ Meeting. 9-11 May 2022, Strasbourg (France) and remotely.
The Initial Mass Function and its variations. IAA Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation. 15-19 November 2021, Granada (Spain).
Principal Investigator (PI) for accepted proposals accumulation 18 nights at ESO/VLT 8.2m (6 nights), ESO/NTT 3.58m (5 nights), GTC 10.4m (co-PI, 4 nights), NOIRLAB/SMARTS 1.5m (3 nights).
Co-Investigator for accepted proposals for 2.2mCAHA (Calar Alto Observatory, Co-PI), NOT (Nordic Optical Telescope, Co-PI), OHP (Observatoire de Haute-Provence), 4MOST.
Observing experience with Blanco/DECam, GTC/OSIRIS, GTC/EMIR, Subaru/SWIMS, NTT/EFOSC2, INT/WFC.
Member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS), International Astronomical Union (IAU), and Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA).
Member of Astronomers for Planet Earth, Climate Fresk, and Sternwarte Sustainability Group (University of Vienna).
Scientific Organising Committee
Head of the SOC: Special Session SS33 - Young Star Clusters at the European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting. 1-5 July 2024, Padova (Italy).
Special Session SS27 - The Young Milky Way at the European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting. 10-14 July 2023, Krakow (Poland).
IAA Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation. 15-19 November 2021, Granada (Spain).
Star Clusters: the Gaia Revolution. 5-7 October 2021, virtual.
Reviewing service
Reviewer of Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Monthly Notices of the Royal Academy Society (MNRAS), Astrophysical Journal (AJ).
Reviewer of Gemini and CFHT observing proposals.